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Sexy Little Numbers h by Dimitri Maex with Paul B. Brown

Sexy Little Numbers h by Dimitri Maex with Paul B. Brown

$34.99 $9.99

Dimitri Maex with Paul B. Brown  Dimitri Maex, Managing Director of global advertising agency OgilvyOne New York and…

Writer's Guide to Queries p -

Writer's Guide to Queries p -

$29.99 $7.99

Moira Allen A writer's guide to Queries, pitches and proposals (2nd edition) When the bookseller is hassles by a budd…

The OZ Principle h by R.Connors, C.Hickman, T.Smith

The OZ Principle  h by R.Connors, C.Hickman, T.Smith

$29.99 $9.99

Roger Connors, Craig Hickman, Tom Smith Getting results through individual and organizational accountability. (Thi…

Farsighted by Steven Johnson [H]

Farsighted by Steven Johnson [H]

$39.99 $9.99

Steven Johnson Through compelling stories that reveal surprising insights, Johnson explains how we can most effective…

The Accountability Revolution P * min 2

The Accountability Revolution P * min 2

$39.95 $4.99

Mark Samuel Samuel pulls no punches in revealing the flaws in today's accepted business thinking. 280 pages, 159 x…



$40.00 $4.99

HIDDEN COST OF WHITE COLLAR CRIME Jennifer Taub here is an elite crime spree happening in America, and the privile…

The Golden Passport (h) min 3 copies

The Golden Passport (h) min 3 copies

$60.00 $4.99

Harvard Business School, the Limits of Capitalism, and the Moral Failure of the MBA Elite Duff McDonald McDonald …

Managing for Success h*

Managing for Success h*

$59.99 $4.99

Morgen Witzel Using international case studies from Ford Motor Company, Royal Ahold and Lehman Brothers, practical so…

Whistleblower : My Journey to Silicon Valley and Fight for Justice at Uber

Whistleblower : My Journey to Silicon Valley and Fight for Justice at Uber

$44.99 $6.60

Susan Fowler Susan Fowler was just twenty-five years old when her blog post describing the sexual harassment and reta…

Sales Mind: 48 tools to help you Sell

Sales Mind: 48 tools to help you Sell

$24.99 $9.99

Helen Kensett We're all selling something every day, whether at work or closer to home. But with advanced technology …

25 Essential Lessons for Employee Management p*

25 Essential Lessons for Employee Management p*

$38.99 $9.99

Dennis L. DeMey 25 Essential Lessons for Employee Management cuts through conventional practices and provides manag…

Value(s) p

Value(s) p

$49.95 $9.99

An Economist’s Guide to Everything That Matters Mark Carney  As former Governor for the Bank of England Mark Ca…

Business Valuation Bluebook* p

Business Valuation Bluebook* p

$39.99 $9.99

Chad Simmons This user-friendly manual includes updated forms, checklist, tables, examples and anecdotes that enable …

The Anxious Organisation p*

The Anxious Organisation p*

$27.99 $7.99

Jeffery Miller If you work in any organisation, you work in an anxious organisation. In fact, if you ever find an anx…

How To Get To the Top

How To Get To the Top

$19.99 $9.99

Bestselling author Jeffrey J. Fox combines his own experience as a successful entrepreneur with lessons learned at the f…

How to Write an Impressive CV & Cover Letter

How to Write an Impressive CV & Cover Letter

$33.95 $9.99

Tracey Whitmore, Your CV and cover letter are your first communication with a prospective employer. As the job market…

Brilliance Marketing Management

Brilliance Marketing Management

$29.99 $4.99

Celia Rocks This book offers companies large and small a simple, straight-forward program that shows you how to capit…

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