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Sexy Little Numbers h by Dimitri Maex with Paul B. Brown

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Product Information

Dimitri Maex with Paul B. Brown

 Dimitri Maex, Managing Director of global advertising agency OgilvyOne New York and the engine behind the agency’s global analytics practice, reveals how to turn your data - those sexy little numbers that can mean more profit for your business – into actionable strategies that drive real growth and revenues.  And he can show you how to do it at virtually no cost. In his clear, easy-to-understand style, he explains how to:  • Identify which customers are most valuable, which have the most potential to be valuable, which are most likely to buy more in the future, and which are not worth targeting.    • Allocate your marketing assets in the best possible way and pinpoint the outlays that will generate the highest possible returns

258 pages, 145 x 220mm, hardcover with jacket, b&w, Crown Business, 2012

Product Code: 9780307888341


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