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Kenneth Clark h

Kenneth Clark h

$55.00 $7.99

James Stourton  The definitive biography of this brilliant polymath--director of the National Gallery, author, patro…

Once a Warrior: How One Veteran Found a New Mission Closer to Home h

Once a Warrior: How One Veteran Found a New Mission Closer to Home h

$55.00 $7.99

Jake Wood The powerful story of one Marine who found healing and renewed purpose after returning from combat, for him…

AMY TAM -Where the Past Begins h

AMY TAM -Where the Past Begins h

$47.29 $7.99

Amy Tan In Where the Past Begins, bestselling author of The Joy Luck Club and The Valley of Amazement Amy Tan is at h…



$40.00 $9.99

HIDDEN COST OF WHITE COLLAR CRIME Jennifer Taub here is an elite crime spree happening in America, and the privile…

Whistleblower : My Journey to Silicon Valley and Fight for Justice at Uber

Whistleblower : My Journey to Silicon Valley and Fight for Justice at Uber

$44.99 $9.99

Susan Fowler Susan Fowler was just twenty-five years old when her blog post describing the sexual harassment and reta…

Vanity Fair's Women On Women h

Vanity Fair's Women On Women h

$55.00 $9.99

Radhika Jones and David Friend Looking back at the last thirty-five years of Vanity Fair stories on women, by women.…

The Mastermind by Evan Ratcliff H

The Mastermind by Evan Ratcliff H

$38.95 $9.99

Evan Ratliff Award-winning investigative journalist Evan Ratliff spent four years piecing together this intricate puz…

Motherhood so White h

Motherhood so White h

$39.00 $9.99

Nefertiti Austin Nefertiti Austin shares her story of starting a family through adoption as a single Black woman. In …

Churchill & Son p

Churchill & Son p

$39.99 $14.99

Josh Ireland "Ireland draws unforgettable sketches of life in the Churchill circle, much like Erik Larson did in The…

The Mission of a Lifetime h

The Mission of a Lifetime h

$50.00 $9.99

Lessons from the Men Who Went to the Moon Basil Hero In rare in-depth interviews, the twelve remaining lunar explo…

The Golden Passport (h)

The Golden Passport (h)

$60.00 $9.99

Harvard Business School, the Limits of Capitalism, and the Moral Failure of the MBA Elite Duff McDonald McDonald …

Riding on Courage h by Peter Fenton

Riding on Courage  h by Peter Fenton

$24.95 $7.99


Children of Stone h

Children of Stone h

$49.99 $14.99

The Power of Music in a Hard Land Sandy Tolan This the unlikely story of Ramzi Hussein Aburedwan, a boy from a Pal…

Love & Deception: Philby in Beirut h*

Love & Deception: Philby in Beirut h*

$60.00 $19.99

James Hanning Love & Deception is the extraordinary story of how Eleanor, an able, cultured American living in the e…

Barrel of a Gun h

Barrel of a Gun h

$50.00 $14.99

Misspent Moments in Combat - a War Correspondent's View from the Frontlines Al J. Venter While the average citizen…

We were Blackwater h*

We were Blackwater h*

$55.00 $24.99

Life, death and madness in the killing fields of Iraq An SAS veteran's explosive true story Barrie `Baz' Rice R…

After Ireland: Writing the Nation from Beckett to ...h

After Ireland: Writing the Nation from Beckett to ...h

$55.00 $19.99

Declan Kiberd He describes the young Samuel Beckett witnessing the burning of Dublin in 1916 and realising that 'the…

IF p

IF p

$35.00 $9.99

The Untold Story of Kipling's American Years Christopher Benfey At the turn of the twentieth century, Rudyard Kipl…

The Art of Resistance (h)*

The Art of Resistance (h)*

$48.00 $14.99

: My Four Years in the French Underground Justus Rosenberg The gripping memoir of 98-year-old Jewish Holocaust sur…

The 15:17 to Paris

The 15:17 to Paris

$27.00 $7.99

Alek Skarlatos The 15:17 to Paris is an amazing true story of friendship and bravery, of near tragedy averted by thre…

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