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$70.00 $45.00

Professor LD Pryor and DR JCG Banks This title contains descriptions of over 490 trees. shrubs, and vines providing a…

Australian Native Indoor Gardening made easy p

Australian Native Indoor Gardening made easy p

$34.99 $14.99

Patricia and David Ratcliffe A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO ENHANCING YOUR HOME WITH NATIVE FLORA This book is devoted e…

Taming the Conflict Dragon p

Taming the Conflict Dragon p

$29.99 $7.99

Alex Hiam A helpful way for readers to improve their ability to resolve conflicts of all sorts, both at work and in t…

7 Minutes of Magic h

7 Minutes of Magic h

$29.99 $7.99

Lee Holden A fast, unique fitness routine to help anyone jump-start their day and relax at night. In 7 Minutes of Mag…

Tangles: A story about Alzheimer's my mother and me p

Tangles: A story about Alzheimer's my mother and me p

$32.99 $9.99

Sarah Leavitt Recounts in graphic novel format how the author's well-educated, intellectual mother began showing sign…



$29.99 $17.99

Lee Reich The Hassle Free All-Organic System Garden like Mother Nature, with an organic system that s good for pla…

Australian Native Gardening Made Easy

Australian Native Gardening Made Easy

$39.99 $19.99

Dick Chadwick FOR BOX OF 12 - $60.00 NET ($5 EACH NET INCL GST) - for less than 12 copies - $10 net each incl. GST …

Creating a Garden Retreat

Creating a Garden Retreat

$45.00 $17.99

Virginia Johnson An Artist s Guide to Planting an Outdoor Sanctuary A garden is more than the sum of its parts a g…

The Mix and Match Baby Name Book*

The Mix and Match Baby Name Book*

$19.99 $4.99

June Rifkin, With this book, readers will get beyond every Dick, Tommy, and Harry, and find the first and middle name…

The First Book for Understanding Diabetes p* min 2

The First Book for Understanding Diabetes p* min 2

$24.99 $7.99

H Peter Chase Presents a concise guide to identifying and treating diabetes, including noting its causes, how to test…

Get Positively Beautiful h min 3

Get Positively Beautiful h min 3

$34.99 $4.99

Author Carmindy In GET POSITIVELY BEAUTIFUL, Carmindy teaches women how to change their mindset from so-called 'fl…

Sales Mind: 48 tools to help you Sell

Sales Mind: 48 tools to help you Sell

$24.99 $9.99

Helen Kensett We're all selling something every day, whether at work or closer to home. But with advanced technology …

Authentic Garden h

Authentic Garden h

$39.99 $14.99

Claire Sawyers Claire Sawyers shows us how we can create gardens that are both deeply rooted in their surroundings a…

Vegan a la Mode*

Vegan a la Mode*

$30.99 $19.99

Hannah Kaminsky Ice cream, ice cream, everywhere, and not a drop of dairy to be found! Who knew that making frozen tr…

TEN - Fitness Book* p

TEN - Fitness Book* p

$29.99 $16.99

Vincent Ng, Commit to fitness and get a lean and trim body in ten weeks. An excellent how to with step by step instru…

Euthanasia - Should we kill the dying? - (min3)

Euthanasia - Should we kill the dying? - (min3)

$12.95 $4.99

Dr Brian Pollard Discusses a range of issues surrounding euthanasia - the economics of health care, the quality of me…

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