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Australian Native Gardening Made Easy

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Dick Chadwick

FOR BOX OF 12 - $60.00 NET ($5 EACH NET INCL GST) - for less than 12 copies - $10 net each incl. GST


The book is ideal for the new home owner or anyone wishing to establish a native garden for the first time. Unique and fascinating features of this book are the pages of colour symbols devoted to describing the 473 plants listed. 'Characteristics at a Glance' is by far the most easily understood and remembered system ever published.

"...a simple book with common sense ideas - and one that can be used even by the most inexperienced gardener." The Sun Herald

156 pages, 292 x 238mm, hardcover with jacket, colour throughout, Little Hills Press, 2018


Product Code: 9781863152471


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