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Lee Reich

The Hassle Free All-Organic System

Garden like Mother Nature, with an organic system that s good for plants and good for people. Say good-bye to backaches and weed problems! Lee Reich s organic Weedless Gardening eschews the traditional yearly digging up and working over of the soil. It s is an easy-to-follow, low-impact approach to planting and maintaining a flower garden, a vegetable patch, trees, and shrubs naturally. "If you love to knock yourself out digging beds, buy a better shovel. If you're looking for a no-nonsense alternative, buy this book!" -Ketzel Levine, National Public Radio's Doyenne of Dirt)"Thoroughly practical, easy-to-follow guide to good gardening Lee Reich make it sound simple, and if you follow his methods and philosophy, it is." -Dora Galitzki, Gardening Columnist, The New York Times, and Author of The Gardener's Essential Companion"Finally, a book filled with science-based information that insures success and frees us from busywork in the garden." - Dr. H. March Cathey, President Emeritus, American Horticultural Society.

If you love to knock yourself out digging beds, buy a better shovel. If you're looking for a no-nonsense alternative, buy this book! (Ketzel Levine, National Public Radio's Doyenne of Dirt).

176 pages, 152 x 203mm, paperback, 2 colour, Workman Adult, 2000


Product Code: 9780761116967


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