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The OZ Principle h by R.Connors, C.Hickman, T.Smith

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Roger Connors, Craig Hickman, Tom Smith

Getting results through individual and organizational accountability.

(This book in an important title for the personal development of all. It shows how one must be accountable for one's actions, take ownership, and when things go awry to work out how it could have been avoided, taking into account all the players in the episode including oneself. It enables the employees to grow the business, and look after customers as they want to be looked after.  In this way, especially in business, mistakes can be corrected and dramas reduced. On a personal level, it helps one stop blaming others, force oneself to be in the `others' position, and look at situations in a more objective fashion. On reflection it helps us adjust our behaviour accordingly.CCB)

150 x 220mm, 256 pages, Prentice-Hall, 2000

Product Code: 9780130321299


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