Sharks--The Ocean's Most Mysterious, Most Misunderstood, and Most Important Guardians
William McKeever
At once a deep-dive into the misunderstood world of sharks—specifically, great whites, makos, hammerheads, and tigers—and an urgent call to protect them, Emperors of the Deep tells the true story about the ocean’s most mysterious, most misunderstood, and most important guardians. From the family-friendly waters of Cape Cod to the coral reefs of the Central Pacific, where great whites mysteriously congregate every fall in what scientists refer to as Burning Man for white sharks, Safeguard the Seas founder William McKeever introduces us to scientists, conservationists, and world-renowned shark experts who have started unlocking the species’ most closely guarded secrets.
320 pages, 152 x 230mm, hardcover, HarperOne, 2019

Código de producto: 9780062880321