Britain, America and Europe in the Age of Trump
Kim Darroch
Kim Darroch was British Ambassador to the US as the age of Trump dawned and Brexit unfolded. One of the UK’s most experienced and respected diplomats, to Darroch was given the task of explaining Trump to the British and Brexit to the Americans. Choosing to resign after his confidential cables criticising the Trump administration were leaked to the press, Darroch’s unvarnished, behind-the-scenes account reveals for the first time the inside story of this tumultuous time and reflects more broadly on Britain’s relationship with the United States. In a book rich in anecdote and insight, he describes the challenges of dealing with the Trump White House; and offers a diplomat’s perspective on Brexit and how it looked to Britain’s closest ally.
400 pages, 130 x 200mm, b&w, hardcover, HarperCollins, 2021.

Code produit: 9780008411619