David Perry
Bluff, Bluster Lies and Spies is a wild ride through the mismanaged State Department of William Henry Seward in Washington, DC, to the more skillful work of Lords Palmerston, Russell and Lyons in the British Foreign Office. Fearful that Great Britain would recognise the Confederacy and provide the help that might have defeated the Union, the Lincoln administration was careful not to upset the greatest naval power on earth.
Examines the ruthless acumen of the Lincoln administration, which knew that its best hope of success in the Civil War lay in isolating the South, both physically and diplomatically from European assistance . Sheds new light on the machinations of London and Paris, neither of whom cottoned the prospect of overwhelming US power, but who nevertheless declined to back a losing cause in opposition to it.
336 pages, 165 x 240mm, hardcover, Casemate, 2016

Product Code: 9781612003627