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The Hand of History h

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An Anthology of History Quotations and Commentaries

Michael Leventhal (ed) Chris Riddell (illust.)

Famous writers from around the world have selected their favourite quotes about history. Each has selected a quote and provided an original commentary explaining why it strikes a chord with them. 'Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter": - Nigerian proverb "This proverb undermines the idea of "objective" history. It's all too easy to think that bias in history is bad, and that objectivity is good. But objectivity is usually a euphemism for the history of the victors, or the history of the hunters. What would an objective history of the Iraq war look like?" - Mary Beard, Professor of Classics at Cambridge University The long list of contributers includes: Juliet Barker, Conrad Black, Michael Bliss, Asa Briggs, Richard Cohen, Carlo D'Este, Terry Deary, Charles Esdaile, Richard Evans, Juliet Gardiner, Martin Gilbert, Charlotte Gray, Philip Haythornthwaite, James Holland, Eric Hobsbawm, Richard Holmes, Terry Jones, Arthur Kershaw, Ina Knight, Phillip Knightly, Guido Knopp, Andrew Lambert, Paul Lay, Quentin Letts, Allan Mallinson. John Man, Hilary Mantel, Keith Windschuttle...

232 pages, 133 x 210mm, hardcover with jacket, Frontline, 2011

Produkt-Code: 9781848326231


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