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Stuff You Should Know h (1 in stock)

Stuff You Should Know h (1 in stock)

$54.00 $19.99

AN INCOMPLETE COMPENDIUM OF MOSTLY INTERESTING THINGS Josh Clark & Chuck Bryant Features an array of subjects that…

Joy at Work h

Joy at Work h

$34.99 $12.99

Marie Kondo & Scott Sonenshein There is another way. In Joy at Work, bestselling author and Netflix star Marie Kondo…

Amplified Art

Amplified Art

$44.00 $14.99

Dynamic Techniques for High-Impact Pages Kass Hall Renowned zendoodle artist Kass Hall shows the reader how to exp…

Australian Native Gardening Made Easy

Australian Native Gardening Made Easy

$39.99 $19.99

Dick Chadwick FOR BOX OF 12 - $60.00 NET ($5 EACH NET INCL GST) - for less than 12 copies - $10 net each incl. GST …

Jane Davila's Surface Design Essentials (min 3)

Jane Davila's Surface Design Essentials (min 3)

$26.95 $9.99

Jane Davila The Must-Have Reference Tool For Surface Design Success: create your own hand-painted designs on fabrics…

Manga Academy p

Manga Academy p

$40.00 $19.99

Chihiro Howe This book, loaded with Chihiro Howe's delightfully simple techniques, teaches all you need to know to ge…

The Road to Ruin (h) *

The Road to Ruin (h) *

$44.95 $19.99

James Rickards A drumbeat is sounding among the global elites. The signs of a worldwide financial meltdown are unmist…

The OZ Principle h by R.Connors, C.Hickman, T.Smith

The OZ Principle  h by R.Connors, C.Hickman, T.Smith

$29.99 $9.99

Roger Connors, Craig Hickman, Tom Smith Getting results through individual and organizational accountability. (Thi…

Aftershocks h(WAS$60.00)

Aftershocks h(WAS$60.00)

$60.00 $14.99

Pandemic Politics and the End of the Old International Order Colin Kahl, Thomas Wright olin Kahl and Thomas Wright…

The Mission of a Lifetime h

The Mission of a Lifetime h

$50.00 $9.99

Lessons from the Men Who Went to the Moon Basil Hero In rare in-depth interviews, the twelve remaining lunar explo…

Space Record Breakers p *

Space Record Breakers p *

$29.99 $7.99

Anne Rooney Space is mind-boggling. Time is measured in billions of years, and distances in trillions of miles. Space…

Autonomy p

Autonomy p

$27.99 $9.99

The Quest to Build the Driverless Car - And How it will reshape Our World Lawrence Burns, Christopher Shulgan ’A…

Equipping Your Horse Farm

Equipping Your Horse Farm

$29.99 $9.99

Cherry Hill and Richard Klimesh Selecting appropriate, high quality equipment is critical to running a horse farm saf…

Star Drive h*

Star Drive h*

$39.95 $9.99

The True Story of a Genius, an Engine and Our Future Phillip Hills In May 2018 NASA called a press conference to a…

Visual Explorers: Space *

Visual Explorers: Space *

$14.99 $4.99

Toby Reynolds and Paul Calver What's the Milky Way? What's a galaxy? How far away is the farthest planet in our solar…

The Penland Book of Woodworking h

The Penland Book of Woodworking h

$90.00 $29.99

Master Classes in Woodworking Techniques This technical and inspirational guide showcases the work of ten top contemp…

Essential Guide to Flower & Landscape Painting p

Essential Guide to Flower & Landscape Painting p

$54.00 $19.99

50 Decorative and One-stroke Painting Projects - uses Acrylic Paints Donna Dewberry An intro chapter covers all th…

Cult Eyewear* h

Cult Eyewear* h

$77.95 $9.99

Author Neil Handley A delightful and beautifully illustrated book celebrating the stories behind more than 30 of t…

The Ultimate Book of Imposters* p

The Ultimate Book of Imposters* p

$46.00 $9.99

Ian Graham Packed with fun facts and outrageous accounts of fake pilots, phony princesses, imitation Indians, and ser…

A Shelter in the Garden

A Shelter in the Garden

$24.99 $9.99

Pierre Nessmann With 175 photographs of shelters in beautiful garden and backyard settings, this book showcases a hug…

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